Sunday, June 30, 2024

Creating liberating content

[Fantasy] Tides of Gafforah...

Tides of Gafforah - epic scale, detailed world, developed characters Submitted March 01,...

The Queen’s Grand Arena...

The Queen's Grand Arena - Free on Kindle March 1st - 4th Submitted March...

Free Fantasy books to...

Free Fantasy books to download right now! Submitted March 01, 2024 at 05:45PM by...

A Lifeworth Reverie –...

A Lifeworth Reverie - Book 1 (Free from March 1st to 5th) Submitted March...
Homebut I'm unable to access external websites or specific texts. However

Category: but I'm unable to access external websites or specific texts. However

FOSS Weekly #24.03: Linux Mint...

Linux Mint has released version 21.3. This...

FOSS Weekly #24.03: Linux Mint 21.3 Released, Tiling GNOME, Open Source ChatGPT and More

Linux Mint has released version 21.3. This is the last release based on Ubuntu 22.04. The next major release will be version 22.0, probably in June. It will be based on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS that is scheduled to come at the end of April. Fedora 40 should arrive around the same time.Which distro are you looking forward to in 2024?💬 Let's see what else you get in this edition of FOSS Weekly:Open source ChatGPT alternativesSome information regarding the support cycle for Ubuntu 24.04.Adding tiling window feature into GNOME.And other...

FOSS Weekly #24.03:...

Linux Mint has released version 21.3. This is the last release based on Ubuntu 22.04. The next major release will be version 22.0, probably...

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